3 Ways to Advance Health Equity: Convene, Disrupt, Commit

At Rx4good, we take pride in helping clients deliver on their commitment to put patients first. One of the perks of serving a wide range of organizations is that our team gets a ‘birds-eye view’ of evolving best practices when it comes to the quest for health equity.
As we do significant research projects for a cross-section of clients—ranging from big pharma to smaller biotechs to patient advocacy organizations—we are always looking to share lessons and distill our learnings to our wider community. Here are three lessons we’ve learned about how to make healthcare more equitable.
- Be a Convener
Being a convener is critical to any organization that wishes to explore multiple facets of complex problems, like social determinants of health, to effect real change. We see our clients convening a wide array of stakeholders representing multiple sectors –academia, public health, patient advocacy, physician associations, biopharmaceutical companies, and more. Creating a forum for diverse approaches and viewpoints sets the stage for new ideas and insights to emerge.
- Celebrate Disruptors
Removing barriers to health equity requires disrupting the status quo and introducing novel collaborations among like-minded, mission-oriented organizations. Look beyond the usual suspects by searching far and wide for non-traditional alliances and allies who can bring unexpected insights and solutions to the quest for equitable health outcomes.
- Commit to the Long Game
While diversity is vital, equity is harder. While diversity is perceived as representation, equity seeks to ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to information and resources for all. This realization underscores a critical point—we are on a journey that begins with galvanizing diverse perspectives necessary for innovation. Rx4good is committed to tackling this mission in support of patients and our clients. We know it will take strong partnerships and unique collaborations to make strides both inside and outside the healthcare ecosystem.
At Rx4good, we believe that a commitment to disrupting the status quo and convening non-traditional allies is necessary to reimagine a future where optimal health is possible for everyone. As patient advocacy experts focused on the long game, it is important to lead with curiosity and humility. Harvard Kennedy School professor Dr. Robert Livingston writes in his 2021 book, The Conversation – A Roadmap for Racial Equity, “You will get it wrong at first. Do the work anyway.”